Convertible Turtle Gaming

Convertible Turtle: Unshelled

Our primary streamers:

  • Mag Synchro of Convertible Turtle Gaming

    Magician Synchronous, more commonly referred to as Mag Synchro, or just really Mag for short is a husband first, working a full time job second, and streaming on YouTube third. He spends most of his time lurking on Discords and tinkering away at his 3d printer and coding various hobby projects. Originally from Oklahoma, but is currently residing in Georgia with his wife Digrat. He's the primary face of our Family Friendly channel "Convertible Turtle Gaming" and can be seen live during morning streams.

  • Digrat of Convertible Turtle: Unshelled

    What happens when a 40-something Southern housewife plays Skyrim? She kiils everything that moves, steals everything that doesn't, gets lost A LOT and weaves a glorious tapestry of curse words. But what happens when that same 40-something Southern housewife streams on her husband's family friendly channel? She eventually branches out to her own mature content channel to make sure the other channel remains family friendly..